Royal Mail restarts limited overseas post after cyber-attack

The very frustrating news that has plagued business all across the UK within recent weeks is the halt of international shipping through Royal Mail. They are finally back on track and started to dispatch items overseas from the backlog and will also accept new letters for international delivery.
Already processed packages will begin to be transferred in “limited amounts,” according to the company.
However, it advised against submitting any new packages at this time.
(Image: Matthew Lloyd/Getty Images)
In the wake of last week’s ransomware attack, Royal Mail is still coordinating with security authorities “to minimise the harm.”
Malicious computer software known as ransomware locks down systems and encrypts data. Criminals typically demand money before disclosing the information.
Customers were informed by Royal Mail last week that until the issue was rectified, they would not be able to send letters or packages abroad.
On Wednesday, Royal Mail stated that it was experimenting with “operational workarounds,” but urged users not to send any mail that required a customs declaration just yet.